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Click and navigate the overview documentation by clicking on the topics below or on the left. You can learn what Whatevr is all about by reading the overview Get Started page.

Component Overview:#

Welcome to the component overview page. In this section, we'll provide you with an in-depth understanding of the core building blocks that power our platform. Each component plays a pivotal role in delivering a seamless user experience and delivering the apps functionality.

  • User Interface (UI) Components: The user interface is the face of our app. It encompasses various elements such as buttons, forms, navigation bars, and visual representations of data. The platform boasts a consistent, intuitive and modern UI design, optimised for ease of use and accessibility across multiple devices.

  • App Framework The platform framework is a structured and reusable foundation that simplifies and speeds up app development. It provides pre-built components, tools, and guidelines, enabling users to understand our feature-rich apps and tools.

By understanding each of these components, you'll gain valuable insights into how the platform operates. This component overview page serves as a foundation for your exploration of our cutting-edge app. Happy exploring!


Our framework is consistent throughout the platform, with the same UX and UI layout and features. This means that learning new apps/tools within our platform is quick, simple, and easy. The core framework elements will be covered on this documentation page.


Click below for a brief overview.

Manager Framework


Click below for a brief overview.

Learn Tool Framework


Click below for a brief overview.

Learn Tool Framework


Add New#

The "Add new" button is located at the bottom right of the platform and allows you to add new apps and tools to your workspace.

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Framework Cards#

Our workspaces offer a wide range of tools and features that you can customize according to your specific needs. You can choose from more than 40 apps, including project management tools, productivity apps, creative tools, data analytics tools, and AI-powered tools.


Content Type

App Cards#

An app card is designed to display information about the type of content you are creating. It typically consists of a container with distinct content, such as text, images, or icons, presenting bite-sized details about apps inside of Whatevr.

App Name

App description

Tool Cards#

An tool card is designed to display information about the type of content you are creating. It typically consists of a container with distinct content, such as text, images, or icons, presenting bite-sized details about tools inside of Whatevr.

Tool Name

Tool description


Views are a way to add data and functionality to an apps base use. This gives you a more customisable experience. Depending on the app, you might get different views of the data or different tools and features.

Explore Views

View Name

View description


A module is a fundamental building block of most apps. It is a self-contained unit of functionality that can be used to build and customize different parts of the app.

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Module Name

Module description



The content list item card provides an intuitive and streamlined approach to managing content. It offers quick access to essential information, editing options, and advanced settings, making it a valuable tool to organise and manage your content more efficiently.

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Content Name



The centre is what provides you with notifications and your schedule/todo list. The centre can be found at the top right of the application at all times other than inside of apps and tools.

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Bottom sheet#

Bottom sheets provides a simple way to display all information on a piece of content, asset, workspaces and other elements within the platform. Bottom sheets are designed to provide as much information as possible while maintaining control, quick access, and utility.

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My Project

For managing my expenses


Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3


Account bottom sheets are used to provide a simple way to display all the information on a user within the platform. They are built to provide as much information as possible, but still manage to deliver control, quick access and utility.

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Joe Bloggs

Creative Designer & Marketer



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Tab 2

Tab 3