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Bottom Sheet

Bottom sheets provides a simple way to display all information on a piece of content, asset, workspaces and other elements within the platform. Bottom sheets are designed to provide as much information as possible while maintaining control, quick access, and utility.

Content Name

Content Description


Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Bottom Sheet Header

Top Navigation#

The bottom sheet will close when the X button is pressed, and the right button will provide settings.

Different bottom sheets, for example the user profile bottom sheet, may have other quick shortcuts or functionality within the top navigation. See each type of content for their individual bottom sheet overviews.


Content generally displays the name, description and tags. This will differ depending on the type of bottom sheet.

Title Here

This is a description

Edit Button#

The edit or open button will appear when you are viewing content or a tool for example, and opens the specific content in its relevant app or tool.



The settings dialog provides a variety of utility options. Each type of content will have unique settings. Find out more by viewing the relevant documentation on specific content. Listed below are some of the global options, or specific example options you will typically find under content settings.

Edit Info: allows you to modify and customise the name, description or tags.

Share: This section allows you to share the content in or outside of the platform.

Permissions: This section enables you to set permissions for various actions such as editing, viewing, or deleting. You can specify which users or groups can perform these actions.

History: This section provides a detailed overview of all the changes made, including who made them and when. Useful for tracking modifications and troubleshooting issues.

Save as template: Save the content as a template. You can reuse this template to quickly bootstrap or create new content with the same settings in the future.

Delete: Allows you to remove content from your workspace. Content is first archived, which removes it from view. You can then delete the content, which can be recovered - until 30 days in which it is permanently deleted.

Edit Info





Save as template




Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Each bottom sheet can contain a number of tabs. These can be an overview of the content, lists of sub content or any other content specific views.